Category Archives: Europe

Next Aldgate Business Forum event on Mon 17 Jul

We are delighted to announce that the guest speaker for the Aldgate Business Forum event on Monday 17 July 2017 will be HE, The Ambassador of Ireland to the UK, Dan Mulhall.

He will talk on the relationship between Britain and Ireland post Brexit and post the General Election result.

The event will start at 6pm and is kindly being hosted by the insurance broker Jardine Lloyd Thompson at their London office The St Botolph Building, 138 Houndsditch EC3A 7AW.

We very much look forward to welcoming you, so please confirm your place by registering here.

Alderman Peter Hewitt JP
Deputy Doug Barrow CC
Sylvia Moys CC
Hugh Morris CC
Dhruv Patel CC
Andrien Meyers CC

Update on the elections

As you might be aware 2017 has been an election year for the City of London Common Council. What may be news though is that Aldgate was one of the six Wards in the City which did not have a contest. Four out of your five existing Common Councilmen, Douglas Barrow, Hugh Morris, Sylvia Moys and I have been returned.

However, David Thompson, decided, for personal reasons, to withdraw his papers after serving for 13 years as one of your Councilmen. We would like to thank David for his service and contribution.

In his place, Andrien Meyers will be introduced to the Court on 27th April as the newest Member for the Ward of Aldgate. Andrien brings some new skill sets to the Ward and the City and we are looking forward to working alongside him for the next four years.

In January, I conducted a survey in the Ward of top concerns relating to the City. We are using the results of the survey to set our priorities for the forthcoming term in office.  They were:

  1. Transportation particularly safe and easy movement for pedestrians;
  2. Air quality;
  3. Brexit; and
  4. Noise and disruption in relation to building works/development in the area.

Thank you for your support. We are honoured to serve you and the City.

EU Referendum Survey Results

EU Referendum Survey Results

As you will remember from the last newsletter we sent you a link to an EU Referendum survey and the results are in.

52.50% thought that the City of London Corporation should adopt a position to remain in the EU, 25% to leave the EU and 12.5% that we should have a neutral position while a further 10% still weren’t sure which way to vote.

Many that completed the survey felt that they needed to listen to the debate more fully before making a decision while most felt that although it would be tricky at first these issues, whether the UK stay or go would be resolved in 2-3 years.

On the 3 March 2016 the full Council actually considered this matter.

First we considered whether the Corporation should adopt a position on the UK’s Membership of the EU. There was a very good and lengthy debate on this matter and the vote was 58 Councilmen and Aldermen in agreement and 37 against.

Further debate then ensued on what the position should be. By a show of hands it was resolved that the position should be set out in the following terms:

Taking into account the views of City stakeholders and businesses, the City of London Corporation supports the United Kingdom remaining a member of the European Union.

Therefore it was agreed that the City Corporation would support the UK remaining in the European Union.