Update on the elections

As you might be aware 2017 has been an election year for the City of London Common Council. What may be news though is that Aldgate was one of the six Wards in the City which did not have a contest. Four out of your five existing Common Councilmen, Douglas Barrow, Hugh Morris, Sylvia Moys and I have been returned.

However, David Thompson, decided, for personal reasons, to withdraw his papers after serving for 13 years as one of your Councilmen. We would like to thank David for his service and contribution.

In his place, Andrien Meyers will be introduced to the Court on 27th April as the newest Member for the Ward of Aldgate. Andrien brings some new skill sets to the Ward and the City and we are looking forward to working alongside him for the next four years.

In January, I conducted a survey in the Ward of top concerns relating to the City. We are using the results of the survey to set our priorities for the forthcoming term in office.  They were:

  1. Transportation particularly safe and easy movement for pedestrians;
  2. Air quality;
  3. Brexit; and
  4. Noise and disruption in relation to building works/development in the area.

Thank you for your support. We are honoured to serve you and the City.